Undoing in Git

Git is probably the most popular distributed version control system. When used properly, it allows a team to be extremely effective. When misused, it can create a total mess out of the code base. Every now and then you end up in a situation, when you have to undo your actions — it can include invalid file edits or deletions or even improperly executed Git commands.

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Some short thoughts on strategy pattern

Strategy is one of the most useful design patterns, which allows us to change algorithms or implementations of an operation during runtime. Typical use cases include validating or parsing data depending on some decisions made on the fly. And although the pattern is widely described in various sources and well known amongst programmers I think there is still a missing part in great number of examples we can find. Let me explain what I have in mind…

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Automated validation of DB schema migrations

Object Relational Mapping frameworks, such as Hibernate, very often provide a way to automatically generate the database schema based on persistent classes. While it is very convenient as a proof of concept or for very simple applications, it is not a production ready approach. In reality you have to write scripts to version your schema … Continue reading "Automated validation of DB schema migrations"

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Effective RESTful search API in Spring

Flexible RESTful search is very often a must-have for a web application. While the concept is easy and not new, it is very often implemented in a repetitive and tedious way. In this post I will demonstrate an effective way of implementing search API with Spring Data and Specification Argument Resolver. Naive approach With Spring … Continue reading "Effective RESTful search API in Spring"

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